(My) Song of the Season ‘Contacts’

My review of the song ‘Contacts’ by Mick Jenkins.
Principle Three

An explanation of Clause Three of the WSM’s Declaration of Principles.
‘Counter-Intelligence’ Review

My review of the documentary Counter-Intelligence by Metanoia Films.
(My) Song of the Season ‘Grace Park Legend (Norfside)’

My review of the song ‘Grace Park Legend (Norfside)’ by Huey Briss.
‘Warless Societies and the Origin of War’ Review

My review of the book Warless Societies and the Origin of War by Raymond C. Kelly.
‘World Socialist - Summer 2021’ Editorial

My Editorial for the Summer 2021 issue of The World Socialist.
Principle Two

An explanation of Clause Two of the WSM’s Declaration of Principles.
The Paris Commune

A brief analysis of possibly the first serious attempt at a dictatorship of the proletariat.
(My) Song of the Season ‘Tequila’

My review of the song ‘Tequila’ by NENNY.
‘World Socialist - Spring 2021’ Editorial

My Editorial for the Spring 2021 issue of The World Socialist.